November 15, 2023-Flow and focus

Hello November,

yesterday I was lost in my thoughts and forgot about a meeting- I also remembered that I forgot about another meeting yesterday.

Something else that seemed to matter more and I was engrossed with it.

This can happen in the best-case scenario when we are in a state of “Flow”, enjoying ourselves or being so interested in what we do that the world vanishes.

It happens when we are sad, but also when we are in love, and happy. Or probably when we find ourselves in an altered state of consciousness, or take drugs.

We can have laser-focused attention, or we may just get lost in a forest of thoughts and not find our way back.

We can do so many different things.

How can we go towards the best?

Well, when we know where we are going, we find the way.

Where this is a Big question.

When we are decided to get there.

And to be decided we need to consider it worthwhile and important.

Where do I want to go?

My boyfriend asked me what kind of life I would like to live.

I want to live a happy and meaningful life for myself and others.

I want beauty and harmony and contribute in creating it.

I want to contribute at the best of my capacity to others’ happiness

I want to inspire and be inspired

I want to be fulfilled.

I want abundance in every sens of the word

I want growth at every moment and independently of age

I want love and intimacy

October 10, 2023- New Horizons in London

Hello October,

Yes, I have landed a job in London, where I first came end of 2015 to try my luck after Paris and the difficulty of getting a job there. The first couple of years consisted of experimenting with different jobs, and then the pandemic.

Now I am back!

I have been living in this vibrant city since the end of 2021! Some difficulties at home- mother passing- have put pressure on me- I am getting back to my journal to talk about everyday life and ways to reach our dreams- no time better than now! 

This is how my journal started: As a small-town girl, I first got to Paris, where I couldn’t get any stability professionally or personally, and I decided to try my luck with English and London. Now, with more experience, but always surprised by life, I am still here, writing and living up to my best every day!

Today, after a flu, I got up in a terrible mood and decided to go back to journaling every day for three months and see how it goes!

October 17, 2021: Designing my Perfect Life

Hello October,

I feel a bit more relaxed after a month in London, and I start wishing for more: so here I am, planning what I would love to see materialising in my life: everyday life, friends, home, career, anything. I would like a magic wand to attend to it, but sometimes, taking a step at a time is also great. I came accros my goals set in 2017 in an old notebook, and was happily surprised to see I have reached them, almost all!

In the meanwhile, there were times that looked disastrous, as if not only I was not reaching any goal, but I was also losing what I already had! Somehow, I kept my faith, in the middle of these adventures, and I can now talk from a much better place.

So, how do I create magic again? Apparently Good Things come to those who Create, so I will draw the best possible picture and I will see myself into it. I see myself aligned with my work environment, friends I can trust and who can be trusted and a mission that inspires me! A loving family created, pets, travelling to unite with like-minded people on Earth, Beauty and my personal Utopia materialised!

Can we be happy in the middle of unhappiness? Yes, because LIFE has always a way to get ahead, and by involving as many others as possible to this happy bubble of ours! May Happy Bubbles become many and include the whole world!

Woman, Girl, Freedom, Happy, Sun

January 19, 2021- Post-a-day, day 12 out of 69-

Dear January,

yes, it is a sunny cold day today, and I have had two morning coffees, continuing with tea. Reading about world challenges in the morning or just enjoying our lockdown thinking that hiding under the bedclothes we can emerge when challenges are over?

So, how do I feel energised and ready to learn statistics? By loving statistics, and seeing them as a game. How about dream time? Well, visiting the blog of my friend Brian: is offering scope for imagination, even more than any series could do! Enjoy!

Full of magic and views of everyday World Art. It always makes me feel like travelling!!!

Back to Statistics now 🙂

Mathematics and Poetry: Some Impressions | The Daily Star

January 11, 2021- day 7 out of 66- post-a-day: 2 imaginary life paths

Hello January,

so I start by answering a challenge: imagine two life-paths: one in a well-worn path, and the second, in the path less travelled.

This is based on Ryder Carroll’s suggestion in his “Bullet Journal Method”.

So, for the well worn-path:

  1. April stays with her parents until they are no longer physically there, she is a bit bored, finally starts dating a neighbour without being in love. When she can move back to London she does, but she takes the least possible risks. She gets to buy a flat and owes a cat.
  2. April starts a you tube channel embedded into her blog and an instagram account. She publishes ebooks and books, and gets to meet some people with common interests and passions. When she moves back to London, she is comfortable between her artistic work and her teaching art. She owes a home and lives with cats, dogs, humans and the love of her life. She can distinguish between people who want to grow and who are happy to see others grow and those who don’t. She gets away from the last species. She makes new exciting friendships. She meets a soul mate who is a loving and charming person and falls in love.

Ok, I like the second scenario better. In any case, there are cats in both.

Happy 2021! Health, Hope, Happiness!

Welcome 2021! Welcome January!

I spent most of the day cooking and eating delicious food with my parents, talking to dear friends through zoom.

This is such a great time to connect with people we love!

Friends I am grateful for their help in difficult times

Friends who might need me

Friends with whom we share a good laugh, our tears, and fears

Friend I might have a crush on

A letter to Santa is something I would like to end my first day of the year: Santa is supposed to be done by now, but this is why I hope to get his attention since the pressure is off.

Asking for the good things, for us all: Magic, Beauty, Abundance, Hope, Health, Luck.

We have a chance to make things right and to grow to be better people this year.

Let’s do it!

December 20, 2020-Self Growth as the Goal-Making space for what is important, day 12

Hello December,

yes, Christmas is approaching and lockdown brings me back to my parents’ home as an adult, and it would have almost been my worst nightmare when I was an adolescent, if it hadn’t been worse two years ago. Because two years ago, I had all that, plus, I didn’t have a job.

And still, when I look to pictures two years back, I was smiling and found a way to be happy. And a few years back it felt even worse to fail something. I just decided to continue the effort no matter what.

My point is, despite having had some “wins” in my life, like a good degree, good notes, initiating an artistic network in Paris which brought together important figures, I couldn’t support myself and my relationships sucked.

I have faced situations like finding only a horrid job and being fired from it, or seeing years pass and nothing tangible coming up.

Until I didn’t have any more psychological resources. And then, somehow I got them back. My faith also.

SO, even when my material resources were over, and my old world was crumbling under my feet, I had psychological resources and FAITH, not to a particular goal, not to show anyone anything, not to shut up any critic, but to continue looking for a path, learning from other people and not afraid to be wrong if that meant I would keep on learning.

This got me into a job I could support myself with, but where I suffered from bullying and bad work environment. I kept looking and I got a much better one. And finally, had the possibility to resign from something I didn’t want.

So, this lockdown, apart from other things, is a good time to readjust goals and decide what makes my heart sing today, instead of reaching goals for anyone else.

And this happens when SELF GROWTH becomes the goal, independent of age, instead of reaching any specific goal. How can I keep learning and developing my full potential as a human being? How to balance relationships with decisions on our own personal path?

To be continued…

December 1st, 2020- Making place for what is important, day 10

Welcome December!

I went out for a walk this morning, it was kind of cold, with a cold wind lifting up the fallen leaves; and yet, this weather has a lot of energy, there is something to expect… in the air… something interesting…

So, yes, I make space for a nice cup of coffee with cinnamon and chocolate, and then I listened to some music and danced…

Not a lot of people is circulating, and we are wearing masks;

I fed the cat who now lives in the garden, Felix…

And then back to prepare online meetings…

It is great to be able to work from home at a time when work is not easy…

But more than that, I would like to prepare for something magical to happen, by making space for what is important on a daily basis;

I am writing a few lines in my new novel and also think of starting something in English that I would be able to share 🙂

October 26, 2020-Making time for what is important, day 5- an energising breakfast

Hello October,

with the autumn well installed, Halloween approaching and the pandemic lurking, it is important to focus on what is important:

Is it the same thing everyday?

This is a new week and I admit that I started unfocused and with a low mood despite of being up early and doing some exercise;

I somehow need to focus on what is the most important and do something about it, as well as what is important for the short and medium term

Keeping well, finding pleasure in everyday life- well I focused on relaxing, having chocolate and checking out if I need an extra vitamin and a piece of chocolate.

Yes, there are emails waiting for me to answer, but it was more important to advance with my creative writing and to make sure my energy level is higher: maybe I should think seriously about getting rid of sugar 🙂

Ok, so I decided to exchange the coffee and cookie in the morning with something more substantial like a smoothie with protein and fruit; let’s see how it will go!

October 19, 2020-Making time for what is important, day 2

Hello October,

yes, I did go to sleep half an hour earlier, but the cat woke me up at 4.30, probably because she wanted to play. Result, I slept until 8.00, but that’s ok.

Next thing, to waken up my spirit also, not just my body, moving around the house; did I have fruit? kind of… I had some leftovers of yesterdays’ cake.

Let’s get some fruit now, as I am writing; yes!

ok I just had an orange and a banana.

So, let’s go for a sugar free week, with some slight exceptions of 70 per cent dark chocolate; Sugar light week?

So, what is important? Taking care of ourselves, and feeling we deserve to be healthy, prosperous, with our most important needs fulfilled…

Getting some help hasn’t hurt anyone either… from our friends, in any form they come… per