January 31, 2017- Accepting oneself, instead of trying to change

January hi,

I was talking to a friend about imperfections, such as for example being messy or late in appointments; or changing plans. Someone has criticised me recently and my new friend was: hey, accept who you are and stop self-criticism!

It is more important to accept oneself than to try to change according to some perfectionist ideal.

So, why did I attract someone critical? I guess because I am myself a little bit, this way.

His concern was that I am not valuing his time and I plan meetings only where it suits me.

On my side; I pleaded that he could have refused my plan if it didn’t suit him too. And yes; my work is a priority right now.

So, my friend is right. Respecting others doesn’t mean to try to fit in their image of perfect behaviour. And when I see people I love I need to feel relaxed.

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January 30, 2017- Being original and unconventional

Hello January,

I am preparing my resume, and I realised I need to spice it up if I want my unconventional and creative side to come up. So, instead of feeling bored with the process, I will transform it into a work of art 😉




January 28, 2016- ways to meet love

So, January,

how do people meet? Through common connections, or friends? They go to school together, they work or practice the same sport?

And what if your colleagues are married or seriously in a relationship? Do you try to meet people randomly, through the internet for example?

Is age important?

I had a conversation with a friend from Poland. She was telling me she has always met her partners at the groups she belonged to: University, work, …

That a good couple should have a common origin.

But then, why don’t people of common origin always have a happy ending?

St-Valentine is approaching, and these questions need an answer.


January 26, 2016: Back to London and turning things around :-)

Hello January,

here I am, back to London, after almost a month in the South of France!

It feels as if I am back to a faster pace of life!

I already missed a meeting today, as I was in my hibernating mood.

How do I wake up and shake away a sleepy attitude?

There must be a way to boost my energy and be ready for new adventures!

So, instead of beating up myself because I didn’t check my agenda on time, I will go out for a cup of tea and see how I can turn things around.

6 Ways To Turn Things Around


January 14, 2017- 450 posts in this blog!

Hey January,

500 posts in this blog, it could have been a book with 200 pages I guess, so Congratulations are in order!

I will celebrate this the way I can, let’s for example get a nice coffee and see how blogging can bring my future self into the game.

Here you are April, two years and a half ago, you started this blog.

You were cool, and now you are cooler.

But this blog is not only to serve as a mirror, it is doesn’t only serve to count your accomplishments, difficult moments, goals, or anything else.

I know you say that to yourself January.

So, you feel overwhelmed? It is because you think with the old self limitations.

If there is something you need to do, you will find a way doing it.

If there is a will, there is a way!

January 14, 2017- Past, Present and Future selfs

Hello January,

When I visit my hometown, I am usually torn between my past, present and future self.

The past self, is what people used to know me for. It is a powerful self, because they have not followed through the changes I went through. There are things I might have not liked of this self, at the time. It could be that I have been shy.

And then, if I stay too long in one place, I feel that I betray my future self. Especially when I grow out of the image others see me for there. So I need to go to this new place where I can reinvent myself.

The old self could be great, but I might have disagreed with the public persona, others shared for me. For example, if I have been this shy kid, I might want to go places where I will be known for my adventurous spirit and exploits.

And if this is the case, I might again need to move on and also be known as someone who is bonding and member of a community.

Is there a best place? Is there Homme?

Homme can be everywhere, if it allows us to have been, to be and to continue becoming, exploring, loving, developing, independently of age.

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January 11, 2017-Is Poetry accessible and vital to everyone?

Hello January,

I was rushing to a poetry meeting when I got to a discussion with a busy driver who intercepted me as I was riding my bike. Where are you going? He asked. My answer surprised him.

Well, I wish there was time for any poetry reading in everyday life. I am too busy to earn my life.

Ok, this is true if you take poetry to be a form of luxury? Is it only for those who are idle rich and carefree? Or who have a higher education?

Maybe or maybe not. If art is a luxury, and if rest, fun and then education is a luxuryy,  if love or taking time to look at the stars, is an unecessary luxury what is left?

But if we need to rush all day long?

Then we can start with a poem as a mantra for the day.


The Roses of Saadi’
I wanted to bring you roses this morning; 

But I had closed so many in my sash

That the knots were too tight to contain them.
The knots split.

The roses blew away.

All blew off to the sea, borne by the wind,

Carried to the water, never to return.

The waves looked red as if inflamed.

Tonight, my dress is still perfumed.

Breathe in the fragrant memory.https://www.talkinfrench.com/french-poems-english-translations/




January 9, 2017-Beautify 2017!

Hello January,

to kickstart the year in the best possible way, an idea is to contemplate beauty, or if there is not anything at hand look in the mirror 😉 we are a miracle, even when we just wake up in the morning.

If a way to attract luck is to make positive changes to ourselves, how do we recognise our secret talents and bring them to the surface? Something like super-heroes in becoming?

So we have inner beauty and secret talents, and we need somehow to bring them to the surface and use them for the common good: that is what superheroes and superheroines usually do. Ok, they might have a trauma they need to get over, but don’t we all?

You're Beautiful-CY193


January 7, 2017- Inviting Luck: opportunity and preparation

Hello January,

any ideas about how to invite Luck to take a permanent residence at my place? And get her to work for me? Or is there a quality of super luck to develop as a character trait?

A wise person must have said that “luck is when preparation meets opportunity”

So if I want better results I might start doing things which were considered impossible for my 2016 self.

One idea that stuck with me ever since the first day of 2017 is that I need to align my different goals so that they don’t seem to contradict each other.

If for example, I wish for a great job, I shouldn’t feel that I should sacrifice my personal life to it. Or do I secretly feel that you can’t have everything you want/need and that you have to pay for whatever good comes your way?

So the first thing is to feel I deserve good things, and that they could stick together. If I want to deserve them, I can spread good luck around me. There are plenty of ways to do that.





Happy 2017! It is always time to set goals ;-)

Hello January and welcome,

here I am, at the threshold of a new year, wanting to start with the attitude of a Champion: after all, a change starts from ourselves.

my first wish has been to have more fun, and to kiss -my soul mate- every day

this is a very way to kickstart the year in a good mood!

Will I behave?

Some of the time, yes.

I will follow my heart and I will be creative and flexible

And yes, doing something right away might help.

Right now, I am writing from my family’s home in the South of France.

How will I enhance my artistic life in 2017?

How about having a project I love and contacting the best people I know, or I don’t know- personally, to discuss it?


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