July 15, 2017- Building up confidence

Hello July,

I woke up at 5.30 and reflected on the way to reach my goal. And this goal is, to get the bet job in my field, and to be the best person for it. To contribute to something beautiful and meaningful through my art.

What do I do with fears, rejections etc? Can I hide them under the carpet?

They might come back.

Fears that I am fooling myself.

Ok, even if this were true, I can act as if.

What if I don’t persuade anyone else?

I can start from persuading myself.

What could I bring that is  useful ?

I think I have a unique way to see things.

Can I bring people with me? It feels kind of lonely up here.

Well, this is secondary. But eventually, you need to try to see how it goes.

Don’t look for approval, but feedback is good.

How do I change my routine to keep up the energy and the confidence?

How about start with taking a confident posture? this is important.

apparently, when you put your hands on your belt you already feel more confident.

So exercise is good;

But it has to feel good so that we treat our body with respect



July 11, 2017- What to do when you fall on a star :-) -Correcting your course

Hello July,

so what if I fall on a star, and the moon is still further away?

The first reaction is to feel unsatisfied, after all, this star was not where I was aiming for. And feel guilty. I should have done this and this and that. Or feel powerless. After all, I seem to have objectives and I don’t fulfill them as I should. And then, if I accept the result, does it make me someone who is stuck there?

Feeling bad about oneself is wasting our time.

I have tried it, it just gives you unwelcome psychosomatic annoyances.

Change objectives?

Well, if they are changing every day you lose a sense of direction.

But they can be a little bit flexible.

How about creating exceptions and correcting our course?

Here is how it can go/

I am great anyway, and objective X is worthwhile.

I said that I would wake up at 5.30 and today I woke up at 9.00.

I needed this because last week I took a business trip and I needed time to recover.

So much the better.

Instead of feeling guilty I give myself a free day, for rest but also for taking a mental vacation out of everything and reorienting myself towards the North Star.

Charting and Correcting Your Course – A Formula for Success

July 10, 2017-Happiness as a state and as a destination

Hello July,

getting what you want and not getting what you want could amount to the same degree of happiness. So why bother wanting something in the first place?

I wouldn’t have an answer to that. It seems that accepting things we can’t change can be also important as having the freedom to choose what we want. When our ambition is bounded or unbounded there seems to be a difference. We have the capacity to manufacture the commodity we chace when we look for experiences.

So if we make a choice let it be for other reasons than making us feel good 😉

July 7, 2017- Inspiration from Edinburgh and J.K. Rowlling

Hello July,

here I am again! It has been a week I went to Edinburgh for an artistic project that went well. Among other things, such as the Edinburgh castle, I visited the Elephant House, one of the cafés which pride themselves to be associated to Harry Potter’s creator, J.K. Rowling.

It felt inspiring to be there with all those elephants and imagine the famous -now- author being immersed on her writing with a cup of coffee. Isn’t this lady an inspiration? Apparently she tried to make this coffee last as much as possible to stay the longer possible.

Because let’s face it, cafés are good for writers, they get to be in and outside their bubble.

In this way, inspiration comes;-)

