March 21, 2018-Spring Equinox, time for re-generation, RIGHT NOW

Hello March,


I had tequila last night to celebrate the spring equinox, but even if it was just a glass, my head is not very clear this morning. Anyway, it was worth it because it triggered some dancing 🙂

Now, coffee, this other drug and fuel for life.

The neighbours are still having last summers plastic flamingoes on the balcony.

So, let’s do the job, as my friend Samurai Robert suggested.

And let’s go to the gym also.

So, shouldn’t I wait for another second?


NOW right now is the moment.

I am writing this email, I am concentrating and focusing on my purpose.

It is a sunny day, and the first day of spring.

Haven’t we hibernated long enough, those of us who are in the north hemisphere?

For those in the south, a beautiful autumn is around the corner, and it is also such a beautiful season!

March 16, 2018- Morning musing

Hello there,

so what’s going on this morning? Snow again this weekend? Well, after a work focused winter, spring seems to be following on the same tone.

And it feels like I need to flower, like a human being, have fun and a relaxed feeling of a beautiful day… poetry, love, animals, …

How is it possible to do both?

I was about to get critical of something I saw next to me and changed my mind… this is a sign I need a change of mind-set, some fun and hope that what I am doing is meaningful!

I had a conversation with a friend dating someone she found gorgeous but not so intelligent… which reminds me, where am I on that sector? Probably not to be seen… I don’t have time to plan, to think, to …

the last time I was so busy, I was still a first year student, and then somehow I regretted that.

So, if I am working a lot this time, I need to make sure I don’t let important sides of myself … without enough attention.

I also said I didn’t have time to create, and that wasn’t ok either.

Still, I learnt some things.

I learnt that for some people, creativity and connectedness are not optional.

And that my “work” has to be part of the pleasure of being alive. And conviction and readiness to move to the next level.

So either I transform what I do, or I change it.

Fiction, where are you?


March 12, 2018- When we are faced with a choice: ask a better question!

Dear March,

have you ever been faced with a choice? Like, which is the best way to go, this or that career, person, house, bicycle, toy, …

Probably, when we have a dilemma, it’s because we ask the question in the wrong terms. No way is exactly equivalent as another for us, and at the same time, they all lead to the same place.

So, when we are faced with a dilemma, I think that we ask the wrong question.

And we should probably take both options, or none.

And even better, ask another question!



March 11, 2018- Being Street Smart

Hello dear March,


are you street-smart? I was wondering about myself, being a lot around books, but it seems that the street smart quality is very important to survive in this world.

How does one develop it?

Maybe by observation and being attentive in the moment?

Any other ideas?

A friend told us she was attacked in central London, Bloomsbury area and she was stolen of her phone. A cyclist fell on her, and left. Two other men came near her, she thought they were helping, but in reality, they pushed her back as she was shocked and stole her phone.

In reality, the three were “working” together to steal from her.

She was kind of shocked that her expectation for help when she was down, was not met.

At least she was not physically hurt.

What to do to become street smart?

Looking around?

Not walking with a cell phone on our hand and talk?

Life in the big city, is full of surprises.

Any tips for street-smartness?

March 9, 2018-Being strategic instead of working too much

Hello March,

it feels as if I have worked a lot and I am not sure about the result… am I on the path to achieve my goals or not?

It’s difficult to see what is on the other side of my efforts. It has happened to me to push in the wrong direction. So, I pause a bit and ask myself. Is this it?

I have spent years of painful learning and nothing seemed to materialize out of it: in my personal, professional life. It was experience. Still valuable.

But how about some materialization also?

If what I need to do seems too much, probably I am not in the right path.

When you are in the periphery of something, the way in seems difficult. There are shortcuts, but if you don’t know about them, you might spent all your life in the labyrinth.

So, how do I get a key?

A fairy godmother or a fairy godfather, as a mentor or friend could be an example.

The other thing, would be to take a form of action which is risky, high gain high benefit and at the same time is bringing together both mine and the group’s best interests.

Instead of working too much, I need to be strategic 😉


March 7, 2018- How to find like-minded people

Hello March,

so, I realize doing everything by myself is not the easiest thing to do… and yet, how do we find like-minded, positive and competent people who want to go in the same direction?

Facing reality, is a big thing.

So, I could start from that.

That helps knowing in which direction we are going.

March 5, 2018- Making a Choice to be Strong

Hello March,

You arrived covered in snow, and I am just opening up reluctantly, as I am someone from the South, not used to these temperatures!

I need a Miracle, and loads of Good Luck, because clearly, the task I have seems Herculean; and I feel ready to hibernate instead of going faster and becoming more effective…

So, what is your advice?

Go and enroll to the gym?

Yes, ok.

Anything else?

Go kiss someone

Like who?

Get out in the street and kiss the first person?

Yes, why not?

Do something spontaneous and crazy

I am doing that most of the time, and then I am afraid of the consequences.

Yes but doesn’t it feel good?

It does; so I will…

What if I puss away the people around me?

You will make space for others who are closer to you

Ok, how about going to the hairdresser?

That would do…

I would like to be in touch with other creative people

Then what are you waiting for?

How about reinforcing your strengths instead of working on your weaknesses?

That’s a good point…

It could take less time…

How about getting yourself a prize?

And helping out someone else?

Thanks March, that seems helpful 🙂