May 23rd, 2017- Don’t be so hard on yourself! Dance!

Hello May,

with a list of to-do things I feel overwhelmed!

How do I get back my concentration, feel good and motivation?

Dancing is the best thing so here it is, fun time because it is spring and because, we deserve it!

Be it by myself, with friends, or on the dance floor, a little dance with a few steps is enough to get me back to track!

And you know what, I start a 21 day writing challenge where I will post every day 🙂

April at a crossroad: towards greener pastures?

This blog took me out of a dysfunctional working environment.

From Paris to London.

After one year and a half in London, I am again at a crossroad: will I get a job allowing me to continue my stay?

Or should I look for greener pastures elsewhere?

I am going to use this blog again as a confident for my adventures to be.

May 4, 2017- In the mood for love

Hello May,

So, spring is here, everybody is in love, so why not us?

It feels like something is on its way, even though it is not clear what.

London is cloudy, and chilly but underneath it all, you know it is time to expand, in the way nature does.

Any May resolutions?

Well, yes, apparently, to love ourselves enough so that we don’t become clingy and obsessive when hit by the arrows of love, nor depending, nor anything of the kind.

Falling in love is so great, but if we are in love with ourselves, who can resist us?