May 4th, 2021-Secret to getting up at 5am: a hungry cat!

Hello May,

my secret for getting up at 5am? A hungry cat!

Let me explain: my parents’ cat had an upset stomach and the vet suggested a diet with less and lighter food. The cat didn’t exactly appreciate this new habit. She is hungry early in the morning and cries next to my head at 4.45 am.

You could say, why not close the door?

I have tried, but then she not only cries loudly outside, but also bangs the door which makes even more noise.

After 10 days, the cat has lost a bit of weight, her stomach is better and what is more, she has helped me install a new morning habit, even if initially, I didn’t think possible to reach the 5am goal many self development guru’s preach for.

So, my advice?

If you want to install a 5am habit, put your cat on a diet (after the vet’s advice, not to starve the poor thing), and then, forget all about alarms etc.

The hungry cat will take over!!!

April 18 to 29th- doing something new every day for 35 days, mission accomplished!

Hello April,

yes, I did it! I have done something new every day for the last 30 days, actually 35 days, and now I intend to prolong it to 66 days, so that the habit sticks with me!!!

What exactly? A lot had to do with food: trying different types of milk for the latte (soya, almond and coconut milk) was one version. And I ended up with coconut milk latte, but I admit that my guilty pleasure is cow milk for a delicious latte with chocolate and cinnamon.

I have also tried all the varieties of coffee I could have access to: Kenya, Ethiopia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Brazil.

Next thing? Different types of tea and herbal tea (chamomile, and all the possible herbs and blends). Great stuff!

I have taken up colouring for adults, and today I am to buy my second colouring book. And offer colouring books to members of my household.

I have started dancing in the morning, using “Just dance” workouts.

I have gone out with my glasses instead of my contact lenses (because I had a minor eye infection). And I realised how difficult it is to breath with glasses and face mask.

I have decided to try new recipes for our lunch. Vegetable burgers, shrimp spaghetti, I had never cooked before, …

And some other new stuff that take more time:

I have mentioned statistics before, so yes, now I know my way around multiple regression! (more or less, less or more).

I have looked for presents to my godson.

And yes, I feel that doing something new everyday is definitely making me more creative, fun and motivated!

Now I decided to upgrade this challenge to 66 days.

Doing something new and exciting every day here we are!!!

coconut milk latte

April 5 and 6, 2021- Doing something new every day for 30 days, days 11 and 12

Hello April,

you know what I did? I realised I might be a “super recogniser”, one of those people who can recognise others despite age, style, etc differences. it all started when I recognised a child actor in the early 2000, as a grownup comedian in a very different role.

Ok, you think this isn’t enough? Well, I took an online test, provided by the Open University and the University of Greenwich.

And I got a very decent score. Now there are a couple of other tests to pass also.

So this qualifies as one thing.

And today, I bought biological Kale for the first time. It didn’t look nicer, but I convinced myself, so I hope it tastes ok.

Oh, yes, and a mini bottle of Proseco.

The next step would be to take my Champagne glasses out of the cupboard and to drink the Champaign I have kept for special occasions, no matter what, even if I become drunk.

It has been challenging to celebrate and to celebrate myself with my mother suffering from health issues in the same house.

But the thing is, no matter what happens, we can always choose to feel good, and we can share and spread happiness around.

Oh, yes, I found my new action today: a reference letter for a childhood friend! It definitely qualifies as one!!!

Two examples of faces that have been modified from an original photo (center) to look more (right) and less (left) memorable without altering their identity, attractiveness, age, or gender.

April 2nd-4th, 2021-Doing something new every day for 30 days in lockdown, days 8 to 10

Hello April,

I am not cheating, I have done something new every day!

So, for April 1, I have called the vet to ask how to bring the garden cat, Felix for his vaccines. You see, he might not take it nicely to get into a box. I also bought vegan protein powder for my future smoothie.

April 2, I have prepared myself a smoothie! With kiwi, strawberries, protein powder and milk.

April 3, I went to a sports doctor to ask if I can exercise again and if I do anything harmful without being aware; apparently not, so I am getting back to exercising!

April 4, today, a walk in the direction of my old school. I realise I don’t like seeing my school a lot. Yes, I should be grateful to be a literate female, in world where girls might get married before they reach puberty and they might not learn to read and write.

Maybe it has to do with my dream to go far away and change my life. I actually did, and even though I am back due to lockdown, I appreciate everything that happened in between. All the goals I have achieved. And even those I didn’t, maybe it wasn’t the timing.

The Best is yet to come!


March 31st, 2021- Doing something new every day for 30 days, day 7- Jajouka music Morocco

Farewell March,

I spent most of the day wondering what new and exciting thing I could do from home, after my usual working from home and a horrid weather.

Finally, I have discovered this enchanting Moroccan music “The Master Musicians of Jajouka led by Bachir Attar”, and I am happy I run into them online.

These excellent musicians play an enchanting rhythm, they have influenced a lot of western musicians also, such as the Rolling Stones. Not to mention, that apparently, this music has a healing effect.

And yes, I personally danced to its rhythm, you should also try it!!!

March 30, 2021-Doing something new everyday for 30 days, day 6- public speaking

Hello March,

today I finished preparing a presentation to a new group of people for my work. It really went well!

Everyone was doing interesting work, and there was a good ambiance!

It was supposed to be in Belfast, but in reality, I was in front of my screen. Still, I really enjoyed it.

I get to realise how lucky I am to have meaningful interactions during this period. It is not given.

Maybe it’s a moment to think of my friends.

And to write the letter one of my school mates asked me to.

A kind of reference letter.


Busy day.

But it is on my priority list.

March 26, 2021- Doing something new every day challenge, day 2- Board Game

Hello March,

Yesterday I decided to try something new every day, for 30 days. And for day 1, I saw a friend in need and decided to help out: I bought a board game he was selling, named ‘ The Isle of cats’.

It seemed like a great idea because I now live with my parents, there is lockdown, and what better than a board game in these conditions? Collaborative, engaging different parts of the brain than watching Netflix etc…



To begin with, I didn’t check the price when I was texting this friend. I was ready to spend Max 30 euros, and it ended up costing 55.

The second problem, when I opened the box I realised it is more difficult than I thought it would be. The Isle of Cats? you will say. For children older than 8? What is your intelligence level April? Minus 8?

Look, all the instructions are in English, and my folks don’t speak English. Then, this is designed in a way that is alien for 70 plus year olds who are culturally wired in a different way.

Something that a British 8 year old might do and enjoy easily, is not what a 70 plus year old from the South of France will enjoy.

So, I started thinking my decision to buy something I have not seen after texting a friend on Facebook was not the best way to act.

I was afraid to be stuck with a bunch of cats in the “Isle of Cats” by myself.

At least, I hope I have helped this friend.

Should I offer it to my god-son who is an 8 year old?

Maybe we could play it together.

So, this takes me to the second day.

I will try something new which will be cost-less.

I went to the garden and picked some wild flowers; I also asked people who were doing some work on the street what they were up to.

At the same time, while looking for a new thing to do I started stressing because I am procrastinating with my work.

How to deal with this?

Blocks of two hours and a break with a treat- can be a treat in the form of a cup of tea.

Actually, my colleagues in London just came up with a great idea!

I will create a dance video and share it!