February 7, 2020- How to feel when encountering a roadblock

Hello February,

I just felt down because I have almost encountered a roadblock. I was late to submit a funding application for a project and I might not afford to go there by myself.

On the one hand, I feel guilty for not having prevented it, on the other side there is a feeling of overwhelm with all the dates, and other things happening into my life.

How to be on top of that without constantly following a crazy and meaningless program?

Well, I will try use Siri in my iPhone more. When I see a deadline I should right away make a note on my calendar instead of thinking about it.


And change my mood. Feeling bad about myself is not the way.

Yes, I self-sabotaged because I was waiting for someone else to say I could do it.

Or the perfect occasion.

Or, to ask people to stretch for me and get a feeling they care.

Or, all of it together.

Now, let’s assume that and continue.

I will definitely read again David Allen’s book which I put aside.

And change my mood.

Give a big hug to myself for doing so well.

Yes, I deserve this!

And YES I CAN!!!

Image titled Be in Your Happy Place Step 9