January 31, 2017- Accepting oneself, instead of trying to change

January hi,

I was talking to a friend about imperfections, such as for example being messy or late in appointments; or changing plans. Someone has criticised me recently and my new friend was: hey, accept who you are and stop self-criticism!

It is more important to accept oneself than to try to change according to some perfectionist ideal.

So, why did I attract someone critical? I guess because I am myself a little bit, this way.

His concern was that I am not valuing his time and I plan meetings only where it suits me.

On my side; I pleaded that he could have refused my plan if it didn’t suit him too. And yes; my work is a priority right now.

So, my friend is right. Respecting others doesn’t mean to try to fit in their image of perfect behaviour. And when I see people I love I need to feel relaxed.

Résultats de recherche d'images pour « self acceptance »



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